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Nurturing Nature in Education – Virtual Learning Series

March 12 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

It’s time to ramp up the environmental learning! The Sustainability Education Alliance (a collaborative of the New Brunswick Environmental Network) is hosting a free bilingual virtual learning series called “Nurturing Nature in Education.” The series will take place between February 11th and March 26th. These workshops are geared towards K-12 teachers across New Brunswick and they are either English, French, or Bilingual. In some cases, co-learning with the students is encouraged! Topics include climate change adaptation, Two-Eyed Seeing, forest health and herbicide spraying, eco-anxiety, sustainable development goals, and more.


Nurturing Nature in Education (NNE): Great Minds Think Outside

Eco-anxiété : Comment aborder l’écologie auprès des enfants et des adoloscent·e·s ? Eco-anxiety: How to Discuss Ecology with Children and Teenagers? EcoNova Education. All grades.
Feb. 11th (FR) and 18th (BIL) 3:30pm–4:30pm

Explorons la flore et la faune de la forêt acadienne, avec image et sons. Aster Group & Beausoleil. FR, Grades 6–8.
Feb 13th 10:30am–11:30am

Discover Why Forest Herbicide Spraying on Public (Crown) Land is a Problem and Explore Alternative Solutions | Découvrez pourquoi la pulvérisation d’herbicides forestiers sur les terres publiques est un problème et explorez des solutions alternatives. Stop Spraying NB. All grades.

Feb. 13th 4pm–5pm (EN) and Feb. 21st 10:30am–11:30am (BIL)

Let’s Talk: Climate Change Adaptation | Parlons l’adaptation aux changements climatiques. Youth Environmental Action Network, Grades 9–12.
Feb. 18th (BIL) and March 25th (EN) 10:30am–11:30am

Utilisation des outils narratifs et visuels pour faciliter l’apprentissage interdisciplinaire des défis environnementaux, sanitaires et communautaires dans les écoles | A Practical Guide for Teachers: Using Narrative and Visual Tools to Learn about Environmental, Health, and Community Challenges. Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, All grades.
      Feb. 21st (FR) and March 21st (BIL) 2pm–3pm

An Introduction to Sustainability and the SDGs | Une introduction à la durabilité et aux ODD. Learning for a Sustainable Future, Grades K–8.
Feb. 25th (EN) and March 13th (FR) 10:30am–11:30am 

La science participative à la rescousse de l’eau! | Making Waves: Participatory Science in Action! Water Rangers.
     Feb. 27th 10:30am–11:30am (FR, All grades) and 3:30pm–4:30pm (EN, Grades K–8)

Classroom to Career: Empowering Students for Green Jobs | De la classe à la carrière : Donner aux élèves les moyens d’accéder aux emplois verts. The Gaia Project. Grades 9–12.
     March 11th (EN) and March 13th (FR) 4pm–5pm 

Fish Habitat Improvement | Amélioration de l’habitat des poissons. Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance, BIL, Grades 9–12. 
     March 12th 10:30am–11:30am

Greening Education Through Ocean-Climate Action. Blue Schools Canada & The Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition. EN, All grades.
March 12th 3:30pm–4:30pm

An Introduction into Two-Eyed Seeing. Joint Economic Development Initiative (JEDI). EN, Grades 9–12.
     March 18th 10:30am–11:30am

Water Is the Teacher, Change Is the Lesson | L’eau, notre enseignant·e, le changement, notre leçon. Blue Schools Canada (École bleues du Canada). BIL, Grades K–8.
     March 18th 3:30pm–4:30pm

Great Minds Think Outside: Take the Curriculum Outdoors | Les grand·e·s penseur·euse·s se rencontrent dehors: Sortir le programme scolaire à l’extérieur. Great Minds Think Outside. BIL, All grades.
March 19th 4pm–5pm

Elder Protocol | Protocole pour les Aîné·e·s. Joint Economic Development Initiative (JEDI). BIL, All grades.
     March 25th 4pm–5pm

What Are You Breathing Today? NB Lung. EN, Grades K–8.
March 26th 3:30pm–4:30pm


March 12
10:30 am - 11:30 am
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