by robb | Nov 16, 2023
Overview: Engage your students with real-world connections by integrating climate change topics into your math curriculum. This post aims to provide a collection of resources designed to help educators link essential math concepts—like data analysis, graphing,...
by robb | Nov 9, 2023
Overview: EECD has created three professional learning modules for teachers in the Elementary, Middle, and High School program blocks. The module topics are Civil Discourse, Data Literacy, and Digital Citizenship. The modules are suitable for all subject areas and...
by robb | Nov 6, 2023
Overview: This course will help you get started in using Brightspace and then take a deeper dive into the tools and features. Treat it as an online guide: jump around to check out just the sections you need. If you are a novice Brightspace user, be sure to review the...
by robb | Nov 1, 2023
Overview: The Professional Learning Educational Assistant (EA) Learning Hub is a SharePoint site is designed as an optional virtual professional learning hub of information/resources/tools that include academic, behavioural, and social and emotional needs of the EA...
by robb | Apr 11, 2023
Overview: Professional learning opportunities related to Climate Education and resources for K to Grade 12 blocks. Become an Edu-Champion [NBED Required] – This course will provide an opportunity to grow your capacity as an educator and knowledge of how to...
by robb | Mar 30, 2023
Career Education Framework Career Education Framework – Cadre d’éducation à la carrière (2022) The Francophone and Anglophone sectors, along with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), came together to develop a career education framework...
by robb | Mar 28, 2023
Overview: Tech20Tuesday is a series of short (20 minute) professional learning session hosted by the Digital Learning team at ASD-W introducing educators to the pedagogy, tools, and techniques for technology mediated learning. To view 2022-2023 Tech20Tuesday...
by robb | Mar 27, 2023
Personal Wellness Resource Site: Visit the Personal Wellness SharePoint to find the updated curricula, resources, and links to support educators and learners. Save this link so that you can access it throughout the school year. It will be updated frequently. On this...
by robb | Mar 14, 2023
Overview Culturally and linguistically inclusive-based SharePoint that has a knowledge repository with a goal of sharing valuable PL to instructors on the topics of equity, anti-racism, and inclusiveness. Link to professional learning resource...